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02 Jan Landscape by Boss Gardenscapes.jpg



Coastal style is all about getting back to basics, and enjoying a laid back lifestyle. A combination of natural materials, mixing different textures, and coastal loving plants are the foundation of any modern coastal landscape.

Image - Boss Gardenscapes

05 April Landscape By Boss Gardenscapes.jpg
Image by Nadine Marfurt

Above - Boss Gardenscapes

coastal Plants

We have a selection of coastal plants that are perfect for adding a unique touch to your garden. Feature trees such as olives with beautiful silver foliage adds texture and dimension to coastal landscapes. We also have succulents, shrubs, and ground covers that thrive in coastal climates. Our selection of coastal plants will help you create a stunning and unique landscape that will be enjoyed for years to come.

Feature Trees

Olive - Olea Helena

QLD Bottle Tree - Brachychiton Rupestris

Grass Tree - Xanthorrhoea Johnsonii

Screw Pine - Pandanus Pedunculatus


Bird of Paradise - Strelitzia Reginae

Fire Sticks - Euphorbia Tirucalli

Woolly Bush - Adenanthus Sericeus

Native Rosemary - Westringia Fruiticosa

Kangaroo Paw - Anigozanthus Sp.

Desert Star - Carissa Macrocarpa

Under Planting

Ripple Jade - Crassula Undulatifolia

Blue Agave - Agave 'Blue Glow'

Silver Spoons - Kalanchoe Bracteata

Blue Chalk Sticks - Senecio Sp.

Yellow Buttons - Chrysocephalum Apiculatum

Cousin It - Casuarina Glauca

Silver Falls - Dichondra Silver Falls

Creeping Rosemary - Rosemary Prostrate

Creeping Boobialla - Myoporum Parvifolium

Below - Boss Gardenscapes


Coastal landscapes often feature natural colours like sand, sky blue, and muted greens or blues. Adding bright colours can create a striking contrast. Consider adding plants with flowers in shades of pink, purple, or yellow to bring vibrancy to the area. To create a more subtle look, use plants with foliage in shades of grey, silver, or white. When selecting colours, take into account the colours of the surrounding environment. With careful planning, colours can be used to enhance a stunning coastal landscape.

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natural materials

Coastal gardens often require hardscaping materials that are durable and able to withstand harsh weather conditions. Natural hardscaping materials like gravel, and bluestone are ideal for coastal gardens as they are strong and can withstand the salt and sun exposure. Natural timber finishes compliment the overall design, especially when left to patina with age.

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